3. Merchant Integration Flow: Card Tokenisation and Tokenised Payments

3.2.3 Tokenised Card Payment: Step 1 – Create Recurring Payment Object

Merchants must create a RecurringPayment object for the scheduled payment confirming to the XML schema.
The token must be sent in the merchanttokenid. The recurring payment object must be encrypted and sent to the Payment Gateway recurring payment service.
Take note, this is a lengthy batch process and runs as scheduled tasks between VFS and the bank.
It should never be relied upon to be returned quickly or included in a synchronous user–journey with the customer. Recurring Payment Transaction Object

Figure 15. Tokenised Payment: Step 1 – Recurring Payment Pre-Encryption XML Recurring Payment Transaction Object Fields

Table 16. Tokenised Payment: Step 1 – Payment Field Definitions
# Field
Type Length Description
1. merchantid ^ M GUID 36 The GUID id of the merchant in the payment gateway.
2. password ^ M String 350 Merchant password as defined by the Payserver service account
3. payserveralias ^ M String 255 Value that uniquely identifies an order submitted for processing.
4. url ^ M String The post–back url for the result of each payment
5. payment (object) M N/A N/A One or more payment objects that define the tokenised payment request.
6. amount M Decimal Product amount defined by the merchant.
7. currency ^ M String 32 Country currency.
Supply the 3 character ISO currency code.
Defaults to "ZAR" .
8. ordernumber O String 32 Unique identifier determined by the merchant for the recurring payment
9. merchanttokenid M GUID 36 The id of the token given to the merchant
10. merchantcustomerreference M String 250 A unique value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this tokenisation.
11. merchanttokenreference O String <= 250 A unique identifier provided by the merchant for instances where they wish to cater for multiple customer subscriptions.
A combination of customeridentifier and merchanttokenreference will create a unique token, and allow a single customer to be able to have multiple subscriptions.
If this field is not passed it will be set to merchantcustomerreference above.
12. type O String 50 Deprecated.
Payment Gateway no longer doing airtime or data provisioning.
13. code O String 50 Deprecated.
Payment Gateway no longer doing airtime or data provisioning.
14. salestype ^ O String 2 Deprecated.
Pass "00" as Payment gateway no longer doing airtime or data provisioning.
(Previously "01" for airtime, or "03" for data)
15. reference O String 50 Deprecated.
Payment Gateway no longer doing airtime or data provisioning.
16. description O String 500 The merchant's description of the recurring transaction. Recurring Payment Transaction Object Schema

For confirmation of the recurring payment object field data types, length, and whether they are mandatory or not, the following XML schema can be queried.
You can also search this schema online at: https://qa.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/api/docs/Recurring/

Figure 16. Tokenised Payment: Step 1 – Payment Object Schema (1 of 2)

